row2k Features
Rigger's Trick: The Not-Shoe Organizer
June 25, 2021
John FX Flynn

This week, we have yet another hack from the hive-mind of rigging tricksters: The Not-Shoes Organizer.

We've seen this handy household item repurposed before, turning any vertical space in the boat bay--be it wall, cabinet or side of oar rack--into some pretty useful separated stowage spots. You can easily use the pockets for lots of non-shoe stuff: gloves, sorted-by-size wrenches, frequently needed spare parts like washers, clams (should you not have one of these) and even car keys and student IDs if you row in a place without a locker room. (And, yes, you could even use it for "shoes" if you have one of those fancy foot plate systems for your team, but that would mess with our clever title...)

This version of the Not-Shoes Organizer was sent in by our hacking buddy Jim Cooper, so--of course--it takes holding "stuff" to the next level: keeping the bow and stern lights at Norwalk both at hand and fully charged up. As a complimentary piece to his pretty slick and fully wired up Electric Closet, Jim's hanging not-for-shoes rack comes complete with a USB-equipped power strip and zip-tied wiring to make sure the lights get plugged in when they get stowed post-row.

The bonus hack in this photo: Jim's pretty simple but gets-the-job done "key-board" where his master's rowers can hang the keys to their rides when that head out...and we are guessing it is no coincidence that the car keys storage is right next to the most key bit of safety equipment when you have a lot of small boats out on a small river: the bow lights. Hard to forget your return and charge up your safety light when you have to stand right next to the rack to get your keys for the drive home.

Now, Jim has promised us some more hack ideas, to include his "secret recipe" for super handy and helpful safety bags that never get forgotten in the boathouse, so stay tuned for more "Coop tips."

Got a cool re-purposing hack that we could all put to good use? If so, share your tips--and hacks--in the comments below.

Have a great rowing hack to suggest for future inclusion, like Jim did? Send it to us!

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